is a component to create sets of control actions.
import SControl from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SControl.vue'
import SControlActionBar from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SControlActionBar.vue'
import SControlActionBarButton from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SControlActionBarButton.vue'
import SControlActionBarClose from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SControlActionBarClose.vue'
import SControlActionBarCollapse from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SControlActionBarCollapse.vue'
import SControlActionMenu from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SControlActionMenu.vue'
import SControlButton from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SControlButton.vue'
import SControlCenter from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SControlCenter.vue'
import SControlInputSearch from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SControlInputSearch.vue'
import SControlLeft from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SControlLeft.vue'
import SControlPagination from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SControlPagination.vue'
import SControlRight from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SControlRight.vue'
import SControlText from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SControlText.vue'
serise are all packed in Control
mixin, and also it is a part of Fundamental
import { mixin as controlMixin } from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/mixins/Control'
is a set of multiple components and you can combine them to create a horizontal control bar.
A simple example would be creating "Cancel" and "Submit" form footer. This component will display 2 buttons aligned to the right.
<SControlButton label="Cancel" />
<SControlButton mode="info" label="Submit" />
Controlling layout
Use <SControlLeft>
, <SControlCenter>
, and <SControlRight>
to align the content to the left, center, and right. Usually, you should always wrap the content within one of these components even if you only have single section.
<SControlButton label="Button" />
Adding actions
Place action components such as <SControlButton>
and <SControlActionBar>
to add actions.
<SControlButton label="Cancel" />
<SControlButton mode="info" label="Submit" />
Combining with <SCard>
When <SControl>
is used inside <SCard>
, it will inherit the size option from the parent card compoennt and automatically adjust the size of control buttons. This is useful when adding header and footer to the card.
<ScardBlock class="body">
<!-- ... -->
<SCardBlock size="small" class="s-px-24">
<SControlButton label="Cancel" />
<SControlButton mode="info" label="Submit" />
The root component of control series. All the other components should be wrapped within it.
<!-- ... -->
Aligns nested components to the left.
<!-- ... -->
Aligns nested components to the center.
<!-- ... -->
Aligns nested components to the right.
<!-- ... -->
The component is almost identical to <SButton>
and you may use almost all the props available in <SButton>
. However, <SControlButton>
will automatically adjust its size based on <SControl>
usage so remember to always use <SControlButton>
instead of <SButton>
import {
type Mode,
type Tooltip,
type Type
} from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SButton.vue'
interface Props {
tag?: string
type?: Type
mode?: Mode
icon?: Component
iconMode?: Mode
label?: string
labelMode?: Mode
href?: string
loading?: boolean
disabled?: boolean
tooltip?: string | Tooltip
interface Emits {
click: []
<SControlButton label="Cancel" @click="close" />
<SControlButton mode="info" label="Submit" @click="submit" />
A container for multiple icon based action buttons. This is the root component for action bar series.
<SControlActionBarClose />
A generic action bar button.
import SButton, {
type Mode,
type Tooltip,
type Type
} from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SButton.vue'
interface Props {
as?: string
icon?: Component
href?: string
disabled?: boolean
tooltip?: string | Tooltip
interface Emits {
click: []
<script setup lang="ts">
import IconNotePencil from '~icons/ph/note-pencil-bold'
import IconTrash from '~icons/ph/trash-bold'
<SControlActionBarButton :icon="IconNotePencil" />
<SControlActionBarButton :icon="IconTrash" />
A helper component to create a close (X) button. This is exactly the same as passing X icon to <SControlActionBarButton>
interface Props {
as?: string
interface Emits {
click: []
<SControlActionBarClose />
A special component to add a collapse button, and its actual collapse behavior. This component only makes sense when used inside <SCard>
component. Add this on
interface Props {
as?: string
collapsed?: boolean
interface Emits {
click: []
<SCardBlock size="small" class="s-px-24">
<SControlActionBarCollapse />
A helper component that creates <SInputText>
component with magnifying glass icon. Useful for adding search feature.
interface Props {
placeholder?: string
unitAfter?: any
textColor?: TextColor | ((value: string | null) => TextColor)
align?: Align
disabled?: boolean
value?: string | null
modelValue?: string | null
displayValue?: string | null
validation?: Validatable
interface Emits {
'update:model-value': [value: string | null]
'input': [value: string | null]
'blur': [value: string | null]
'enter': [value: string | null]
placeholder="Search everything..."
A component to create pagination control.
import { type Size } from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SPagination.vue'
interface Props {
size?: Size
total: number
page: number
perPage: number
interface Emits {
'update:model-value': [value: string | null]
'input': [value: string | null]
'blur': [value: string | null]
'enter': [value: string | null]
Add static text to the control bar.
Hello, world!