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<SCard> is a basic card component that can display variety of contents.


Header title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


<SCard> components comes with various child components that you can use to build your card. For example, basic card with header, body, and footer can be built like this:

<script setup lang="ts">
import SCard from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SCard.vue'
import SCardBlock from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SCardBlock.vue'
import SCardFooter from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SCardFooter.vue'
import SCardFooterAction from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SCardFooterAction.vue'
import SCardFooterActions from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SCardFooterActions.vue'
import SCardHeader from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SCardHeader.vue'
import SCardHeaderActionClose from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SCardHeaderActionClose.vue'
import SCardHeaderActions from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SCardHeaderActions.vue'
import SCardHeaderTitle from '@globalbrain/sefirot/lib/components/SCardHeaderTitle.vue'

        Header title
        <SCardHeaderActionClose />
      <p>Lorem ipsum...</p>
        <SCardFooterAction mode="mute" label="Cancel" />
        <SCardFooterAction mode="info" label="Submit" />

Learn more about each child component's usage in the following sections.


The <SCard> is the root component of the card. All child components must be placed under this component.


Root mode

You may define :mode to change the appearance of the card. Usually, this is most used when creating "dangerous" cards, such as a card that displays a warning message before deleting something.

interface Props {
  mode?: 'neutral' | 'info' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'danger'
<SCard mode="danger">

Use <SCardHeader> with <SCardHeaderTitle> and <SCardActions> to construct the header.

Header title

The <SCardHeaderTitle> allows you to display the title text in the header.

      Header title

You may also pass :mode to change the appearance of the title text. Combine this prop with :mode prop of <SCard> to emphasize the card's purpose.

interface Props {
  mode?: 'neutral' | 'info' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'danger'
<SCard mode="danger">
    <SCardHeaderTitle mode="danger">
      Header title

Header actions

You may use <SCardHeaderActions> with nested <SCardHeaderAction> to add header actions. <SCardHeaderAction> accepts following props, and emits @click event when user clicks on the button.

It uses <SButton> component internally. Refer to the documentation of <SButton> for how the props work.

import { type IconifyIcon } from '@iconify/vue/dist/offline'

interface Props {
  icon: IconifyIcon
  disabled?: boolean
  tooltip?: string | Tooltip

export interface Tooltip {
  tag?: string
  text?: MaybeRef<string>
  position?: Position
  trigger?: 'hover' | 'focus' | 'both'
  timeout?: number
    <SCardHeaderAction :icon="IconAdd" @click="onClick" />
    <SCardHeaderAction :icon="IconEdit" @click="onClick" />

There are also a few predefined header actions that you can use.

  • <SCardHeaderActionClose>
  • <SCardHeaderActionCollapse>

You may also use <SCardHeaderActionClose> to display close button. It emits @click event when user clicks on the button. This component is shorcut for setting "X" icon to <SCardHeaderAction>.

    <SCardHeaderActionClose @click="onClick" />

<SCardHeaderActionCollapse> will display a collapsable icon that a user may click to collapse the card. When clicked on the button, it will collapse the <SCard> component. Therefore, you must use this component inside <SCard> component to take any effect.

    <SCardHeaderActionCollapse />

You may pass :collapsed prop to control the initial state of the card collaption.

    <SCardHeaderActionCollapse collapsed />


Use <SCardBlock> to display generic block element. This component is usually used to create a "body" section of the card. However, you may use this component to create any block within the card.

    <p>Lorem ipsum...</p>

Block spacing

The <SCardBlock> component provides a convenient way to control the padding of the block using the :space prop. You can choose between 3 values: compact, wide, or xwide.

interface Props {
  space?: 'compact' | 'wide' | 'xwide'
  <SCardBlock space="compact">
    <p>Lorem ipsum...</p>

To ensure consistent spacing across the application, you should adjust the spacing based on the size of the <SCard> component. Consider using the compact class for card width smaller than 640px and the wide class for larger widths. Use xwide for the card containing form and placed sorely on the page (not as modal dialog).

Similar to <SCardHeader>, use <SCardFooter> to add the "footer" section of the card. <SCardFooter> comes with nested <SCardFooterActions> and <SCardFooterAction> to display action buttons.

      <SCardFooterAction mode="mute" label="Cancel" @click="onClick" />
      <SCardFooterAction mode="info" label="Submit" @click="onClick" />

<SCardFooterAction> accepts following props. As same as <SCardHeaderAction>, it uses <SButton> component internally. Refer to the documentation of <SButton> for how the props work.

interface Props {
  mode?: Mode
  label?: string
  labelMode?: Mode
  loading?: boolean
  disabled?: boolean
  tooltip?: string | Tooltip

export interface Tooltip {
  tag?: string
  text?: MaybeRef<string>
  position?: Position
  trigger?: 'hover' | 'focus' | 'both'
  timeout?: number

Same as, <SCardBlock>, <SCardFooter> also comes with :space props that lets you control the padding of the block. You may pass either compact, wide or xwide as a value.

interface Props {
  space?: 'compact' | 'wide' | `xwide`
  <SCardFooter space="compact">

It's important to align this spacing with the <SCardBlock> component to ensure proper alignment between the block contents and the footer contents, such as actions.